27 December 2013

old views of moscow streets.


Tverskaya street.

Kalanchevskaya square.

Taganskaya square.

Red gates.

Arbat, general view.

Prechistenka street.

Mokhovaya street.

Soukoreff tower.

25 December 2013

vintage ussr new year postcards.

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate today!

Here's another installment of winter holiday themed cards from the USSR era.

20 December 2013

vintage moscow postcards.

 Tsvetkov Gallery and Christ the Saviour Cathedral

 Birzhevaya (the Exchange) Square

 view from Iliyinka Street

 Moskvoretskaya Street

 Varvarka Street

 Varvarka Street

 Varvarskiye Gates

 Ilyinka Street

Near the Stone Bridge

18 December 2013

street life in london 1876-1877, photographs by john thomson.

This is the second part of photographs from John Thomson's book Street Life in London.

Covent Garden Labourers 

Dealer in Fancy Ware 

 London Cabmen

London Nomades 

Public Disinfectors 

Street Advertising 

the Cheap Fish of St. Giles's 

 the Street Locksmith

the Wall Worker 

Workers on the Silent Highway

A downloadable PDF of the book and a gallery with more images is available at LSE Digital Library here.